So actual Black Friday shopping started at Wal-Mart. Our Wal-Mart Superstore is normally open 24-hours so being there at midnight wasn't anything new actually. But the fact that the parking lot was overflowing was.
I stood around the DVDs bins while they were still covered with plastic. Got bunches of movies! The staff handling DVDs and Games were really strict about the 12:01 AM restriction. Apparently the other side of the store let people start grabbing stuff at 11:30 PM so we had a huge flood of people coming to the DVDs before they let us get them which kind of sucked.

After that my brother and I got into line for the $198 eMachine. They wouldn't give each of us a ticket (we're both older than 21 too and technically not the same household!) so I stood in line while my brother sent my mom over (she was checking out with the DVDs). We managed to be in the last group for tickets. It was fairly nice because after we stood there for another hour, they gave wrist bands at 2 AM so we could go off and eat/buy/etc. Apparently, if you didnt come from 5-6 AM then they'd sell extras at 6 AM.
There was a jerk in our line though. A man came by and he didn't have a ticket. A woman decided to give him her extra ticket. She handed it to a guy in between (she thought they were in the same party) to give it to him. But, he decided to take it. Even when they other guy asked for it he said "sorry man it's called sticky fingers" and called up his buddy to get in line with him. The poor guy even offered $20 for the ticket and the jerk still said no. So I kind of loudly told the woman what he had done and luckily another person had a ticket they weren't going to use so the guy who was supposed to get the ticket got it. Everyone in the end of the line heard what the jerk did and hopefully he felt guilt or embarrassed so it made me happier.
So 2 REALLY nice people and 1 REALLY jerky guy made for an interesting experience.